Wednesday 18 March 2009

Pink Party

Last week the boys got an invite to Sky's 6th birthday party. Sky is Di's daughter (Noah's aide/carer) and loves Noah and the boys. She asked Di if she could invite 'the Noah who can't talk' to her party at Kids Paradise.

Of course Noah slept the whole party, and woke up just as we put him in the van to come home!

The boys were great - they didn't care that there were only two other boys (one being Sky's brother) and had heaps of fun.

Kobe loved all the space to crawl around in, but of course decided to play at the swinging gates the whole time.

It was strange buying a present for a girl! I had no idea what to get! With boys you can't go wrong with Lego or Ben 10.


  1. How fun!! Looked like a great party :) Pink is totally our territory, I would have no clue what to buy for a boy :P

  2. It certainly was pink but the boys don't seem to care at all. My girls would be drooling at all the pretty pink things if they saw this post.Love the photo of Kobe with his tongue out. Looks like he is saying ner ner can't get me mum.

  3. Hey Lisa ... totally pink is awesome...give me a call next time you get stuck for a girl present idea...i get stuck for boys (i have three next door) so maybe we can swap ideas..... love that butterfly cake too


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